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Happy Family

Since every family and each person in it is unique, there's no magic, one-size-fits-all parenting plan that's guaranteed to give you a healthy and happy family.  And since nobody is perfect in this fallen world, there's no such thing as a perfect family.  But there are some basic principles that will help you create a family which each member can grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally - which will help you build the healthy, happy family God wants you to enjoy.
Here's how you can healthy and happy family:
Be there.  Your kids regard your very presence as a sign of caring and connectedness.  It's crucial for you to spend as much time as possible with them.  Keep in mind that your job as a parent is a calling from God - more important than any other work you do, including the job you get paid to do - and your influence on your kids will be your greatest legacy.  Ask God to help you make whatever sacrifices you need to make to free up your time and energy to be there for your kids often.  Be available to talk with them, help them, attend their events, and cheer them on in their various pursuits.  Your kids crave your presence, and nothing can make up for your absence.  Be creative about how you can spend time with each of your kids one-on-one regularly, from going of a hike to playing a board game together.
Express affirmation, warmth, and encouragement.  Parents who practice loving parenting, as opposed to shame-based parenting, will create a home where children and spouses feel more secure.  So avoid shame-based parenting, which is performance-oriented and approval-focused, using words and actions that cause kids to think that they aren't loved or valuable.  Instead, aim to make your kids feel accepted, appreciated, listened to, and loved.  Give your kids confidence by letting them know that you believe in them, value them, and enjoy them.  Say "I love you" to them often, and give them plenty of physical affection like hugs, kisses, and back rubs.  Rather than just jumping into their to-do lists with them, share some relaxed conversations with them after they get home from school and before they go to bed.  Let go of unrealistic expectations for them.  Encourage them to pursue their areas of interest and become the people God wants them to become.
Build healthy morals and values.  The decisions that kids make today will often affect them for the rest of their lives.  Study the culture so you can understand what cultural influences currently pose a danger to your kids spiritually.  Pray for God's help to teach biblical values and morals to your kids in ways they can best learn.  Talk openly and honestly with your kids about sex, alcohol, and other drugs from when they're young, all the way through their teen years, answering their questions and discussing issues in age-appropriate ways.  Encourage them to commit to living a lifestyle of purity, including honoring God with their bodies, renewing their minds for good, turning their eyes and ears away from what's worthless, and guarding their hearts above all else.  Get to know what your kids watch on TV and in the movies, what websites they visit, what music they listen to, and what video games they play.  Watch and listen together with them as often as possible, and talk with them about the content to help them learn to think critically about it.  Restrict their access to vulgar media content. 
Discipline with consistency.  When you clearly express expectations and consistently follow through, you'll produce responsible kids.  Keep in mind that consistent discipline takes lots of time and energy.  Ask God to give you the strength you need to devote the necessary time and energy rather than taking the easy way out when you're tired and having your kids fail to learn important lessons.  Remember the Bible's promise that if you train your kids in the way they should go, when they're old they won't depart from it.  Set and clearly communicate healthy boundaries about doing homework and chores, telling the truth, talking to you respectfully, and a myriad of other issues - and follow through with consequences when your kids make poor choices.  Help your kids decide what consequences they should get for various infractions.  Stay calm - not angry - when you're disciplining them, refrain from nagging, choose your battles wisely, and show empathy.  Your willingness to be the parent they need - not merely a friend - will give them security and confidence.

The Power Of Faith

How important is faith? It takes faith to even believe in Christ; it takes faith to believe that what God says is always right and true; and it takes faith to trust and walk in that each and every day. However, if you’re faith doesn’t continue to grow in your relationship with Christ, you won’t have the faith to see God’s Kingdom come not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you.
Whatever faith you have inside of you will determine the outcome of the faith level you’ll have for God at work around you. If you don’t have faith for God to move, there’s a good chance you won’t be looking for anything to take place.
Do you realize that the message of your life; what you spend your time, money and energy on will scream how much faith [belief] you have put in Christ?
When we read all through the Gospels we see how Jesus loved and always responded to anyone that had faith. He loved it. He loved it when those placed their full trust in Him. (Matthew 8:5-13Matthew 15:21-28Mark 5:21-24Luke 19:1-10).
Also, what’s so amazing is that Jesus said you don’t even need a lot of faith. Jesus in fact said that just a little amount can move mountains. In other words just a little faith can do amazing things in your life and in the lives of those around you. (Matthew 17:201 Corinthians 13:2).
Jesus said our faith could be compared to a mustard seed. What’s interesting is that a mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds. But it also is a seed. A seed is worth more when it continues to grow. You water and feed the seed of your faith by giving it nourishment. We get nourishment by reading Gods Word; worshipping; praying. All those things feed the seed of faith in your life. (Matthew 17:20).
Hebrews 4:16speaks that we should have confidence; which actually means faith—to approach God’s throne of grace. Saying you believe is one thing.. Walking that out, day in & day out is another… Lets break it down…what faith is and why faith is so important.
Why Faith is Important
Without faith it’s impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

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